Citizens organize a protest and Human Chain on 12.12.2016 at Aarey Milk Colony which is  attended by 1500 people.

The State Government brings out notification to dereserve 33 hectares of land in Aarey for commercial uses, Metro car shed and allied activities, which is vehemently opposed by citizens and about 4000 objections are filed with the Town Planning Department.

Vide order dated 5.1.2017, the Hon’ NGT in the petition filed by Vanashakti and ACG orders that work on the 3 hectare land near JVLR in Aarey can be used for the purpose of casting yard after obtaining all necessary legal permissions/ approvals.

Through RTIs filed with various departments and agencies, Aarey land Scam comes to light. In comes to knowledge that 2076 hectares of land in  Aarey Colony was transferred from the Revenue Department to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park when it was expanded in 1969 . Out of these 2076 hectares, 575 hectares of land was excised for the recreational zone and the rest 1501 hectares was to continue to remain a part of the Borivali National Park or the Sanjay Gandhi National Park. The documents in respect of this have also been submitted on affidavit before the Hon’ NGT.

The Citizens meet the Chief Minister MrDevendraFadnavis again and request to relocate the car shed and Save Aarey Forest. The CM asks the MMRCL chief Ms Ashwini Bhide to look into the matter to consider the Kalina land for the  car shed. The Citizens meet the members of the MMRCL again but they refuse to consider the Kalina option without giving any reasons.