Join Forces
Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics. – David Attenborough
Many citizens are theoretically for the cause of environmental welfare and want a clean and green city. Unfortunately they feel they will not be able to devote substantial time to it, or they are so caught up in their daily lives that they forget about direct involvement in a cause. We say, only devote as much time as you can spare, HOWEVER LITTLE THAT MIGHT BE. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. This is also an opportunity for you to engage with an open-minded egalitarian set of people who are enthusiastic about public welfare. Your involvement is certain to expand your own horizons.
We need members and volunteers for the following activities:
On-ground meetings – to create awareness among citizens about Aarey, citizen’s rights and duties, provisions in our Constitution, the functioning/responsibilities of the government.
Research – On different aspects like land rights, natural forests; this could be done online, offline, or by meeting and coordinating with experts from different walks of life.
Social media support – through Email, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletters, Articles, Sharing of updates etc.
Legal help – A deep understanding of the subject, functioning of the judiciary and its reach/influence is required. Actively disseminating misuse or misinterpretation of a law/Act to the masses will be appreciated. The idea is to empower our people through awareness and timely engagement through various governmental/parliamentary procedures.
Scaling the issue – Despite the issue making news for over four years now, many people in Mumbai, the metropolitan region of Mumbai and, of course, the rest of the country, are ignorant about it. Hence, we are unable to create any pressure on the government to act. If you feel you can contribute towards this in any way, please share your ideas with us.