Plantation Drives

As a Conservation Group, we understand the significance as well as challenges of restoring degraded forest areas and improving the forest cover. Several plantation drives have been carried out under the guidance of experts and this continues to be a focus area for the group. The following are guidelines used by ACG for all plantation activities:

  • Conservation of gene pool: It is crucial that the local gene pool is not contaminated hence care is taken to use only indigenous varieties and exclude any exotic species
  • Selecting saplings: Survival of the saplings is essential to conserve as well as enhance the ecological value of Aarey.  Majority of Saplings used are at least 2 years old. This is to ensure a better survival rate in the wild
  • Pre-Plantationcare: Pits for planting saplings are dug at dimensions of 3ftX3ftX3ft (length-breadth-depth). This gives the saplings a strong base to grow. The pits are adequately spaced to ensure unhindered growth of saplings
  • Post plantationcare: The saplings are regularly watered, treated with organic manure and inspected to ensure they grow into healthy strong trees
  • We synergize with the local community to empower them and garner their support in our conservation efforts
  • Plantationactivities have seen citizens from all walks of life including school and college goers, senior citizens and office goers.
  • May 19, 2015 – Plantationin Chota Kashmir area by parents and students of Lakshdham, Vibgyor High and Tridha
  • June 5, 2015 – On the occasion of World Environment Day, plantationwas carried out at the office of Shri G.N.Raut (CEO, Aarey Milk Colony) and the VIP Guest House. Participants included Shri Hussein Dalwai (M.P. Rajya Sabha), Shri Raut and staff members of Aarey
  • July 4, 2015 – Plantationwas carried out at several areas stretching from Unit 26 to Bhanguda Pada. Participants included teachers and students of St. Anne’s and Vibgyor High

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