Essays On A Raisin In The Sun Research Paper Topics & Free Essay Examples How To Write About A Raisin In The Sun

However, Walter Lee, the male member of the family has his own plans; he wants to make an investment in the liquor business with the partnership of his friend Bobo and Willy, the street-smarts. His optimism about the success of his investment has made him gleeful so much so that he hoodwinks the family by giving the money to Willy for the liquor store investment in his hope to reveal it later when he succeeds. Despite his optimism, he is unable to convince even his own wife who conjoins his mother in having a house of their own. Also, Mama disagrees with the plan because it is against religion. However, she gives the rest of the money to Walter for the business investment on the condition of reserving three thousand dollars for her daughter’s education.

  • It is, as put by Judith E. Smith, “a plotless story, in the way that life itself never seems to offer much in the standard notions of plot” .
  • At the last minute, however, Walter realizes what he is doing and abruptly rejects Lindner’s offer .
  • Chasing your dreams was another common theme between the three stories.
  • Walter means for the phrase to illustrate how women prevent men from reaching their goals.
  • Unlike Lena, Ruth engages her husband in arguments although she goes ahead to please him by commenting positively about the liquor business to Lena.

The mom may have three or four kids; the boys in the family may be involved in gangs because they don’t have a dad in the house; and mom may have two jobs because she only makes the minimum wage and can’t buy enough food on just one job. There are a lot of people who just barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. So don’t be fooled, I would say to that man, because even though life is a lot better than it was in 1959, there are still a lot of problems and many black families still struggle. Okay, what would he say, how would he react, to seeing a Raisin in the Sun, if he were to see it today on Broadway? I can imagine he would enjoy it a lot, but he would probably think to himself, there aren’t that many black folks who have to live in squalor like that anymore. Thank God, he would say to himself, life has gotten better for most black families.

How To Cite This Essay:

Jacque lights the room and parties with awesome balloon concepts and décor from Baby Showers, retirement parties, special events, festivals and face painting. Her balloon fashion line includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces balloon gowns, as well as balloon swim wear. Discrimination against blacks, Hispanics and Asians looking for housing persists in subtle forms, according to a new national study commissioned by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. Though less likely to face overt obstacles, like being refused an appointment to see a home, minority customers were shown fewer available units than whites with similar qualifications, the study found. Dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a brokenwinged bird, That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, For when dreams go, Life is a barren field, Frozen with snow.” Langston Hughes wonders whether the dreams that are forgotten or put off actually do shrivel up like “a raisin in the sun”. This poem …

a raisin in the sun theme essay

Such global inclusion is typical of “Raisin,” where Hansberry uses literary devices not only to enrich her text but also to intensify her characters and their interactions. Choose a character from the play and examine how Hansberry develops a theme through the development of that character. Show how each of these women shape him while conveying a theme of the play. Select a symbol found within in the play, and write an essay that reveals the significance of these symbols.

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Several minor characters have a major impact on the story and serve an important function within the play. Choose minor characters and show their significance and how they serve to further elevate a theme. Consider George Murchison, Joseph Asagai, the neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Karl Linder, and/or Willy Harris. Write an essay in which you identify the gender dynamics in the play, considering whether the gender roles are as rigid or scripted as they appear to be.

a raisin in the sun theme essay

For instance, when Travis asks for fifty cents, Walter gives his son twice money as much as he asks for. The name of Hansberry’s play makes a direct mention of the the Langston Hughes poem, “A Dream Deferred.” “what goes on to a dream deferred?” asked Hughes. The feeling of ambition that Beneatha once had for becoming a doctor turned into feelings of impossibility. She often mentions the words “used to” emphasizing that her dreams of becoming the cure, the doctor, and someone who cares have now become a part of the past. She is someone who genuinely cares about people and becoming a doctor was only intended as a way for her to help more people who were hurting.

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During this time Mama buys a house to fulfill the dream she saw with her husband; the only one she can afford is in a white suburban neighborhood. Mr. Lindner a man from the neighborhood comes to the Younger house trying to convince them to not destroy the white community. Meanwhile Walter looses all the money he has invested in the liquor store because I friend has run away with it. When he looses the majority of their financial resources the entire family falls into a deeper level of depression. At this time, Walter decides to take the money the white man has to offer. The thought of selling away their right vexes Mama, Walter’s sister and his wife.

She also makes the comment, “ Oh, I just mean I couldn’t ever really be serious about George. Beneatha realizes that there is more to a person than their wealth. Lorraine Hansbury’s “Raisins in the Sun” is the story of a lower-class African-American family living in South Chicago in the 1950s. It is only with the help of aspiring dreams that these various members of the Younger family are seen to battle on in a society bent on deferring or quashing them.